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Applicants for grants in the area of science

The application period for the Sakari Alhopuro Foundation grants is each year in February. Grants are awarded to research in medical science and related fields, environmental research as well as research that advances biodiversity and environmental protection. The research may be multidisciplinary.

The Foundation provides grants to commendable researchers with doctoral degrees, i.e. to persons whose dissertation has been accepted by the faculty and who have received a degree certificate.

Apply for a grant

For what purposes does the Sakari Alhopuro Foundation grant funding?

The Sakari Alhopuro Foundation grants funding for projects that promote high-quality medical research, multidisciplinary environmental research, biodiversity and environmental protection. The grant application period is annually in February.

The Foundation provides grants to commendable researchers with doctoral degrees, and high-level research projects. 


Who can apply for grants?

Researchers with doctoral degrees may apply for grants, i.e. persons whose dissertation has been accepted by the faculty and who have received a degree certificate. If you have not doctoral degree yet, you are not eligible to apply.

The doctoral degree shall be no more than seven years old. The requirement concerns both researchers applying for a personal working grant and researchers applying for a project grant.

This deadline may be exceeded for special reasons, subject to consideration. These reasons include, for example, parental leave or national service. 

Applicants must have a Finnish personal ID number, a Finnish bank account and online banking codes. Personal working grant is paid to applicant's own bank account.

Grant funds can only be paid to Finnish organisations.

What are the grounds for awarding grants?

The assessment of research projects focuses on prior research, the research topic and plan as well as the researcher’s possibilities of conducting the research.

The applicant shall provide information on their activities up to date, information about no more than ten of their most important scientific publications as well as a funding plan that is detailed and justifiable. The research plan should include the following:

1. The question that the research project endeavours to answer.
2. Clarification of the projects's theoretical/investigational background.
3. Explanation of the materials and methods to be used, including possible perspectives concerning research ethics.
4. The primary objectives (1–3) of the research project.  

The maximum length of the research plan is 5 pages, reference list included (font Arial and type size 11). The research plan is written in Finnish, Swedish or English.

The Foundation may use external experts in assessing grant applications. Arguments for the decisions made by the Foundation and the names of the experts are not public. When necessary, the Foundation may ask the applicant for further information prior to the final decision.


What are the sizes of the grants awarded by the Foundation?

The Foundation accepts applications for project grants, personal working grants or both at the same time. The total value of the grants varies annually.

The grant amounts for 2025 are as follows:

In 2025, the grants total amount of the funding may not exceed EUR 60,000.

Project grants may be applied for up to a maximum of EUR 60,000. A project grant awarded to a researcher is paid to the bank account of a Finnish university or other research institute. The grant applicant outlines the use of the grant, taking into consideration the general rules and practices concerning grants at the university or research institute. Project grants can be used to cover one’s personal salary costs and/or those of other persons as well as other expenses related to the research. Project grants may include a maximum of 7.5 per cent university or research institute overhead. Note! The applicant must be a single person, not a work group.

Personal working grants may be applied for up to a maximum of EUR 26,200, paid directly to the applicant's personal account. Grant recipients are personally responsible for their pension insurance contributions (Mela). A personal working grant is a so-called salary grant, but it can also be used to cover other research expenses.

To receive a grant, the researcher must have a place in which to conduct the research. The grant application must include the contact information of a competent representative of the research institute that issued the permission to work.


A person may apply for

  • a project grant up to a maximum of EUR 60,000. If a person applies for the maximum project grant, they may no longer apply for a personal grant.
  • a personal working grant up to a maximum of EUR 26,200.
  • both a personal working grant and project grant. If a person applies for the maximum personal grant, EUR 26,200, they may apply for a project grant up to a maximum of EUR 33,800, so that the total amount of the funding applied for does not exceed EUR 60,000. 


Grants are sought and awarded for one year at a time, but funding can also be granted for multiple years. Possible continued funding is always subject to a separate decision.

Are grants awarded for work done abroad?

Grants can also be awarded for work done abroad. The application must contain the contact information of a competent representative of the place of work located abroad that issued the invitation or permission to work.

Applicants must have a Finnish personal ID number, a Finnish bank account and online banking codes.

Grant funds can only be paid to Finnish organisations.

When and where are the grant decisions published?

The names of the grant recipients are published on the Foundation’s website by the end of May. Grant applicants are notified of the decision by email.

Grant application steps

Sakari Alhopuro Foundation grants funding for projects that promote medical research, multidisciplinary environmental research, biodiversity and environmental protection. Researchers with doctoral degrees may apply for grants. Familiarize yourself carefully with the application instructions above.




The only attachment you will need to attach to the application is your 5-page research plan written in Finnish, Swedish or English. The application is signed electronically.


The onlice grant application service is open throughout the month of February. You don’t need to complete the online application form all at once, you can save the information you have entered and log out of the online service. Please don’t leave the submission of your application until the last minute! Possible disturbances in network connections may hinder the processing of the application. Once the online service shuts down, applications will no longer be accepted.  


Further information:

Professor Pentti Huovinen (medicine) pentti.huovinen(at)
Professor emeritus Ilppo Vuorinen (natural sciences) ilppo.vuorinen(at)

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